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Planning Commission
The Town Planning Commission meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30pm. The
Town of Ashippun is zoned and is controlled by the Land Division Ordinance as
well as
Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. A letter of
intent can be obtained from the Town Clerk. The Planning Commission must approve all land
splits and zoning variances. Please contact the chairman two weeks prior to the meeting to be placed on the
Chairperson: George Monis (920) 474-4092
The Land Division Ordinance was
revised and adopted at the April 12, 2007 Ashippun Town Board meeting.
If you have any questions please contact a member of the
planning commission or the town board.

Current Town of Ashippun
Plat Map
NOTE: Content is shown if provided. If you
are here looking for agendas and/or minutes and cannot locate them they
have not been sent to the webmaster. Please contact the Town
Chairman at chairman@ashippun.com
and let him know that information is missing. |
Agendas |
Minutes |
August 6,
2009 |
July 2, 2009 - meeting cancelled |
June 4, 2009 |
May 2009 - meeting cancelled |
April 2009 - meeting cancelled |
March 2009 - meeting cancelled |
February 2009 meeting cancelled |
January 2009 - meeting cancelled |
December 4,
2008 |
November 6,
2008 |
October 2,
2008 |
September 4,
2008 |
August 7,
2008 |
July 3, 2008 |
June 5, 2008 |
May 1, 2008 |
April 3,
2008 |
March 6, 2008 - Meeting Cancelled |
February 7,
2008 |
January 3, 2008 |
December 6,
2007 |
November 1,
2007 |
October 4,
2007 |
September 6,
2007 |
August 2,
2007 |
July 5, 2007 |
June 7, 2007 |
May 3, 2007 |
April 5,
2007 |
March 13,
2007 Public Hearing LDO |
March 1,
2007 |
February 13,
2007 Joint Meeting |
February 1, 2007 |
January 4, 2007 |
December 7, 2006 |
November 29, 2006 Joint
Meeting |
November 2, 2006 |
October 30, 2006 Joint
Meeting |
October 5, 2006 |
September 21, 2006 Joint
Meeting |
September 7, 2006 |
August 3, 2006 |
July 6, 2006 |
June 1, 2006 |
May 4, 2006 |
April, 06, 2006 |
March 02, 2006 |
February 02, 2006 |
January 5, 2006 |
December 1, 2005 |
November 3, 2005 |
October 6, 2005 |
September 1, 2005 |
August 04, 2005 |
July 07, 2005 |
June 2, 2005 |
May 05, 2005 |
April 7, 2005 |
March 3, 2005 |
February 3, 2005 |
January 6, 2005 |
Comprehensive Plan:
and Trends report
(Caution: large file)
Do I need a permit?
Dodge County Land Records Search
- look up tax/assessment information
Chapter 236 Wisconsin State Statutes
County Application forms
Ashippun Comprehensive Plan