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Brief History

Town Government

Town Services

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Town Government

The Town of Ashippun government consists of an elected town board containing a chairman and two supervisors. The position of clerk/treasurer is also an elected position in the township. The town board meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:00pm in the town hall. The Town Hall is located at W1266 Hwy O. To be placed on the agenda please contact a board member. All legal notices for the town are posted in the Oconomowoc Enterprise. The annual town meeting is the second Tuesday in April at 7:30pm. Town officials can be contacted at the Town Hall by calling (920) 474-4781.

Currently Elected Town Officials
Steve Panozzo
Supervisors: James Meyer and Wm. "Bill" Bremer
Clerk/Treasurer: Vickie Schlieve

Town Planning Commission - the Town Planning Commission meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30pm. The town of Ashippun is zoned and controlled by the Land Division Ordinance. A letter of intent can be obtained from the town clerk. The Planning Commission must approve all land splits. Please contact the chairman two weeks prior to the meeting to be placed on the agenda.
Chairperson: George Monis (920) 474-4092

Building Inspector - All building projects in the township require a permit. Occupancy permits are required on new residences. Permits must be obtained from the building inspector.
Inspector: Mike Sindorf (262)490-4141

Town Assessor - Town of Ashippun contracts with Grota Appraisals, N89 W16800 Appleton Ave, Menomonee Falls, WI  53051.  Please contact them at 262-253-1142. email:

Town Engineer - Driveway and culvert permits must be applied for before being installed. These permits can be obtained by contacting the Town Clerk at (920) 474-4781.
Culvert Permit                                     $45.00
Driveway Permit w/house number sign    $100.00

Any road related problems can be reported to this number. Please note that the town does not plow driveways except in cases of extreme medical emergency.

Town Police - In the event of an emergency please dial 9-1-1. For all other matters requiring a police officer please contact Neosho-Ashippun-Rubicon Police Department at (920) 625-3284.  Dodge County Sheriff can be reached at the non emergency number (920) 386-3726.