Information | New Comers | History



Town History

Dodge County







Zion Lutheran Church

Early Scene of Zion Lutheran Church

Zion Lutheran Church - 1994

Zion Lutheran Church was formed in 1911 by people of German descent with the first service October 9, 1911 in the Carl Habeck home at what is now  W1846 Roosevelt Rd.. From its birth in 1911 until 1964, services were in the German language with English services also held starting in 1937. Early in 1912, the congregation was given two acres of land at the intersection of Hwy. 67 and O.  In 1917 work began on a new church building which was to be 29 X 50 feet. In 1944,one year after improvements had been completed on the church, it was severely damaged by fire. In 1957 an addition was built on the back of the church to provide room for restrooms and a general purpose room which later became the pastor’s study.  In 1965 a house located at the back of the church was purchased and renovated to provide much needed classroom space for Sunday School.